RSL sculpting as universal procedure for body sculpting in various somatotypes

Dr. Pervykh
V.V. Bondarenko
Aesthetician, Dermatologist-Venereologist, Physiatrist

Somatotype (from the Greek soma, somatos – body) is the constitutional type of human physique. But it is not only the physique itself, but also the program of its future physical development. Nowadays, somatotyping is important for the diagnosis and evaluation of a healthy person’s functional state. People with different physiques lose weight, gain fat, and gain muscle mass differently. They react to the same products differently, which is important in selecting individual programs for weight loss, body contour harmonizing, and cellulite control, including using hardware methods [1, 2].

The founders of somatotyping are E. Kretschmer and W. Sheldon. Depending on the prevalence of a particular component, there are the following types of physique [1-6]:

  1. Ectomorph (tall and slim);
  2. Mesomorph (strong muscles);
  3. Endomorph (curved, excess fat).

Morphological characters of ectomorph type:
• Frail, long body;
• Thin, long arms and legs;
• Underdeveloped muscles;
• Narrow chest and abdomen;
• No subcutaneous body fat;
• Lankiness;
• Large body surface relative to its overall size;
• Well-developed nervous system;
• Predisposition to the development and exertion of general endurance.

Morphological characters of mesomorph type:
• Massive cubic head;
• Rectangular body contours;
• Wide shoulders;
• Broad chest;
• Developed muscles of legs and arms (representatives of the mesomorphic type have a large number of muscle fibers);
• Low subcutaneous fat levels;
• Moderate antero-posterior sizes of the pelvic girdle, chest, and shoulder girdle;
• Moderate efficiency due to the small size of the heart muscle;
• Predisposition to the manifestation and improvement of speed-strength abilities.

Morphological characters of endomorph type:
• Rounded body shapes;
• Large abdomen, round head;
• Weak, limp arms and legs;
• A lot of fat on the shoulders and legs;
• Thin wrists and ankles;
• The prevalence of antero-posterior sizes of the chest and pelvis over the transverse ones;
• Obesity, preconditions to adiposity, inefficiency of starvation;
• The possibility to stop destructive forms under targeted exercises;
• Predisposition to strength exercises.

Extensive information on the relation between the clinical course and the characteristics of predisposition to various diseases in individuals of different somatotypes has been accumulated [7-11]. It was found that there is a relation between somatotype and biochemical factors of blood, in particular, glucose, cholesterol, and ®-lipoprotein levels [12-14]. Among hypersthenic persons a relatively high incidence of hypertension, coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, diabetes mellitus type 2 and obesity was noted. At the same time, among asthenic persons the most common diseases are varicose disease, peptic ulcers and gastritis, hypotension, chronic adrenal insufficiency, diabetes mellitus type 1, vegetovascular dystonia, and cellulite [15].

The knowledge of a patient's somatotype characteristics allows to project and prevent not only possible diseases but also helps harmonize appearance and improve efficiency, which is very important in the modern way and rhythm of living as well as in the requirements of a person’s appearance. Therefore, the relevance of non-invasive methods of body sculpting, which allow for achieving the desired results in a short time without rehabilitation, has been growing. Any treatment for body sculpting should start with a drainage procedure irrespective of the desired outcome. During these procedures, fluid distribution, transport, and excretion of basic metabolic products, and the functioning of the immune system are normalized. This helps restore the tissue functioning, so they become more sensitive to other therapeutic factors [16-19].

Lymphatic drainage methods are non-specific and have a systemic effect. Lymphatic drainage methods are the foundation of the combined therapy and are indicated for patients with various somatotypes. Subsequently, they might be performed with other methods of hardware cosmetology in different combinations.

The dynamic development of modern cosmetology resulted in new procedures that can simultaneously provide lymphatic drainage effect, control of local fat deposits and cellulite, improve the quality of the skin, prepare muscles for exercises, and help restore after them. In this case, the patient saves time on the particular series of lymphatic drainage procedures and can get the effect faster. Such procedures include RSL sculpting using Beautylizer device.

RSL sculpting is aimed at reducing the size of adipocytes and gynoid lipodystrophy control. The procedure combines effects of vibrocompression with spheres and of 600-650 nm red light (LED therapy). During the device operation, tissues at the exposure site are subjected to short-term compression, which alternates with relaxation, resulting in a significant improvement in microcirculation. When exposed to vibration and compression the vessel walls get stronger and less permeable. The exposure on lymphatic system accelerates the removal of toxins and degradation products from the body. Due to increasing microcirculation, oxygenation, and tissue trophism, the cell metabolism is normalized. In its turn, light exposure improves skin elasticity by 19% owing to stimulation of fibroblasts and production of TGF-β, which results in increase of collagen production [20-23].

RSL sculpting is a highly effective procedure when used alone [24]. It also can be combined with all high-tech procedures for body sculpting. The combined usage of various methods is reasonable in the modern context of the high demand of patients to obtain results in a short time without rehabilitation [25].

For example, to control local fat deposits and cellulite in endomorph persons, RSL sculpting procedure can be combined with cryolipolysis, high-intensity focused ultrasound therapy (HIFU), and shockwave therapy (SWT). With a view to preventing possible adverse events during the set of procedures, it is necessary to take into account the mechanism of action of various techniques on adipocytes and surrounding tissues [26]. In cases of tissue atony, dystrophic changes in the skin, and pastosity, the edematous stage of cellulite, before performing the procedures whose action is based on heating or cooling tissues to prevent the formation of possible adverse events, the preparation should begin with RSL sculpting procedure. The procedure allows to increase skin tone, reduce tissue swelling, reduce cellulite, help more clearly visualize the boundaries of the fat compartment and more accurately apply markings for the procedure. In this case, it is recommended to run a series of 5 procedures with an interval of 2-3 days on Beautylizer device before starting the above procedures.

To reduce swelling and decrease the intensity of pain, it is recommended to begin RSL sculpting 5-7 days after cryolipolysis, HIFU, and RF.

For cellulite correction in ectomorph persons, RSL sculpting should be combined in one procedure with SWT, irritative current therapy, magnotherapy, packing [27, 28].

In mesomorph persons, RSL sculpting can be used alone as a preparatory and restorative massage before and after exercises. Thus, preparatory massage using RSL sculpting is an effective method of injury prevention, which contributes to better preparation for the exercise and psychoemotional load. Restorative massage is necessary to accelerate recovery and relieve fatigue after training. The restorative massage helps eliminate excessive nervous tension, pain, and fatigue; normalize muscle tone, improve blood flow and lymphokinesis; activate oxidation-reduction, reduce lactic acid levels in muscles; and restore and improve physical efficacy [29, 30]. The maximum effect is obtained when performing the procedure after water procedures (warm shower, 5-12 minute baths, swimming in the pool) or vapor bath, which relaxes muscle tissue [30].


Thus, constitutional typology has an important diagnostic and prognostic value. Based on theoretical analysis, it is possible to substantiate and develop body correction algorithms sufficient for individual adaptation of a person to environmental stress in the modern world. The application of RSL sculpting procedure is indicated for patients with various somatotypes. To enhance the effect, it can be combined with other procedures if necessary.

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