аппарат по коррекции фигуры
New era of
body contouring
Body Sculpting Device
Vibrocompression by spheres physically impacts the dermis, eliminates cellulite and helps to reduce your size without injuring the skin. It has a direct effect on smooth and tight skin, tissue tone and texture.
Lymphatic Drainage
Maniple Design
The treatment is Smooth and soft impact and leaves no bruises and leaves no bruises. No special clothing is needed.
With ideal weight of 2,350 g there is no need to apply additional pressure to the maniple during the treatment.
SMART TOUCH — a smart load scale
Smart-Touch System displays the workload and helps the specialist to maintain the required pressure depending on the morphology of the treatment area.
Noise Level
With noise level less than 49 dB working on the maximum speed, treatment is more comfortable for both, client and specialist.
The increased coverage of the treated body area of 140 cm2 helps to reduce the treatment time.
The maniple roller consists of 12 rows with 6 balls in each, 72 balls in total. The spheres are made of hypoallergenic silicone, which is approved for use in the food and medical industry. It is FDA compliant and meets the most stringent quality standards.
LED Red Light
Provides extra stimulation for collagen fibers and helps to rejuvenate the skin and increase its elasticity.
Photodynamic and photobiological of light-emitting diode (LED) therapy in dermatological disease
Light Emitting Diode Therapy Protects against Myocardial Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury through Mitigating Neuroinflammation
RSL sculpting
After a full treatment course, you can observe a significant reduction of the orange peel effect, even with cellulite at stages 3 to 4, removal of excess fluid from the body, and loss of 1 to 2 dress sizes. The improved metabolism and health condition is the icing on the cake.
High Efficiency
RSL sculpting treatment leaves no bruises, does not injure your skin, and creates no discomfort. The pressure on the skin during the treatment is ideal. It is strong enough to make the treatment effective, but it is also quite soft and not painful.
Safety with No Traumatic Effects
RSL sculpting is a great option when other non-surgical treatments are contraindicated or do not deliver the desired result. The course of treatment significantly reduces the signs of edematous fibrosclerotic cellulite at stages 3 to 4.
Proven Effectiveness
RSL sculpting is used in restorative sports medicine. The course of procedures removes excess lactic acid, relaxes muscles, activates metabolic processes, makes your sleep better and helps to faster eliminate toxins from your body.
Combined Effects
Видимый эффект от процедур заметен уже на первом сеансе. Максимальный результат наблюдается по завершению курса процедур. В зависимости от первоначального состояния кожи может понадобиться от 5 до 10 сеансов.
RSL sculpting treatment has intensive impact on the dermis and subcutaneous fat due to compression and vibration.

Compression is ensured by the pressure on the skin created by the maniple weighing 2,350 g, which is applied by a machine massage technician.

The rotating roller consisting of 72 silicone spheres, which also rotate on their axes, provide vibration.

The spheres are made of hypoallergenic silicone, which is approved for use in the food and medical industry. It is FDA compliant and meets the most stringent quality standards.

The balls rotate at 450 rpm.
How it works
Find out how to reduce rehabilitation period after plastic surgery and prevents/reduce the stage of negative expected post-procedure effects.
Valeria Bondarenko
Chief Medical Officer of Linline clinic.
in the plastic surgery rehabilitation
Before & After
Cellulite at the initial stage, enlargement of scar tissue in the upper thigh.
6 treatment sessions taken twice a week. Following RSL sculpting treatment, cellulite is reduced from stages 1–2 to 0–1 and the manifestation of fibrosis significantly reduced from clearly visible to almost invisible.
Age: 25 y.o.
Evident edematous cellulite at stage 3–4, obvious "orange peel" especially visible on the legs and thighs.
9 RSL sculpting treatment sessions taken 2–3 times a week. Cellulite is reduced from stages 3–4 to 1–2, edema is decreased, and the skin is significantly more even. Furthermore, the size loss is observed.
Age: 29 y.o.
Cellulite at stage 2–3 degrees, surplus centimeters at the waist and hips, loose skin.
10 RSL sculpting treatment sessions taken 2–3 times a week. Recommendation to drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water a day and do special exercises. The appearance of cellulite is completely eliminated, fat around the hips is removed and the skin elasticity is better.
Age: 27 y.o.
Cellulites at early stage 3, edema, sagging skin, fat around the hips.
10 RSL sculpting treatment sessions taken 2–3 times a week. Cellulite is reduced to stage 1–2, the hip contour is improved, loss of surplus centimeters at the hips.
Age: 32 y.o.
Intense cellulite at stage 3, stretch marks, flabby and loose skin.
10 RSL sculpting treatment sessions taken 2–3 times a week. Cellulite is reduced from stage 3 to stage 1, skin elasticity is increased, and stretch marks are less noticeable.
Age: 32 y.o.
Fat roll on the back, stored fat on the abdomen, swelling.
5 RSL sculpting treatment sessions. The fat roll on the back is smoother and less noticeable. The subcutaneous abdominal fat is also significantly reduced.
Age: 38 y.o.
Cellulite at the initial stage, some stored fat on the waist and hips.
The body contours are improved, loss of 1 dress size, better skin elasticity and practically no cellulite. 10 treatment sessions taken twice a week.
Age: 26 y.o.
Severe cellulite, loss of skin elasticity, soreness. Visible folds over the knees. Loose skin.
15 RSL sculpting treatment sessions taken 2–3 times a week. Cellulite is significantly reduced to stage 3, the folds over the knees appear smaller, better skin elasticity is achieved and there is no more soreness.
Age: 52 y.o.
New in 2024
Flyers. Poster to be placed in the clinic, salon, room
Photo and video materials for RSL sculpting promotion
Ready-made SM –promo campaign (Instagram, facebook)
Certificates for clients
Branded towels
Branded dressing gown for a beautician
This device is made for lifting, tightening and rejuvenation of the face. It relieves swelling, muscle tension, has a tonic effect, and makes the skin more elastic.
The method is based on vibracompression with spheres. The spheres rotate quickly and rhythmically, creating a "lymphatic pump" effect. The vibration of the roller and compression stimulates tissues, activates blood microcirculation, and affects the lymphatic system. Thanks to this method, tissue nutrition improves, skin tone improves and swelling decreases.
Painless and bruise-free
Facial massage device
The increased coverage of the treated body area of 140 cm2 helps to reduce the treatment time.
The maniple roller consists of 12 rows with 6 balls in each, 72 balls in total. The spheres are made of hypoallergenic silicone, which is approved for use in the food and medical industry. It is FDA compliant and meets the most stringent quality standards.
LED Red Light
Provides extra stimulation for collagen fibers and helps to rejuvenate the skin and increase its elasticity.
Without health risks
With noticeable effects
EUR 15,000
USD 16,500
Beautylizer Duo
An innovative device that combines technologies for the face and body
Comprehensive massage device
The increased coverage of the treated body area of 140 cm2 helps to reduce the treatment time.
The maniple roller consists of 12 rows with 6 balls in each, 72 balls in total. The spheres are made of hypoallergenic silicone, which is approved for use in the food and medical industry. It is FDA compliant and meets the most stringent quality standards.
LED Red Light
Provides extra stimulation for collagen fibers and helps to rejuvenate the skin and increase its elasticity.
EUR 45,000
USD 49,500
BEFORE: Beautylizer device was developed by a team of estheticians, doctors, industrial designers, IT specialists and marketing managers.

NOW: Effectiveness and quality are our main goals.
The sliming technology on Beautylizer has predictable session efficacy. We require operator's professional training before use.

AFTER: Our own R&D department moves forward with other means of high efficient non invasive mechanical methods of body treatment.

EVERYDAY: We offer innovative and effective solutions for your business. Our main advantage is an integrated approach. We do not just manufacture equipment for body shaping, we take responsibility for every stage of its use, including service, training of technicians, promotion of services and marketing support.
We are a successful fast-growing company in the non-invasive aesthetic sector
17 years experience
12 conferences and 30 trade fairs
About 500 devices are in use in EU and EAC
New generation of mechanotherapy devices
Robotic Therapeutics FZ-LLC
Costra Business Park, G-44
Dubai Production City, Dubai, UAE
Beautylizer, 2024 ©️ All rights reserved
Lymphatic drainage and non-invasive contouring
R&D, Manufacturing
Robosculptor GmbH
Holzmindener Str. 7
37671 Hoexter, Germany
Commercial Office, Europe
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